More about Chris


Glad you took a minute to look over my blog. I hope you enjoyed it.

I taught high school English for 8 years; however, as you can see from my blogroll and the content that makes up this blog, my interests lay elsewhere.

I went back to school not too long ago and earned my MBA in Marketing, changed jobs, and thus initiated my “transfer into the corporate world.” For many, this may seem incidental. But in light of my experience, both educational and vocational, this was a huge transfer for me.

I am currently a web content strategist for a publication company in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Generally speaking, I am making a gradual move into the field of marketing. My current job has a distinctively marketing focus, but I can only assume that this transfer will continue to evolve over time.

If you have a second, read my first blog post. It describes in greater detail the way this blog came about. If you want to know about my marketing focus, read this exciting paper on Services Marketing and the Branded Service Employee I wrote last summer as a part of my MBA coursework. It’s fun.

I am honored by your visit today, and I hope you’ll take some time to browse through old posts, to comment on any existing post, and to return to read new posts.


  1. Hello, we are currently seeking a Web Content Editor to join our team. I found your information on LinkedIn and thought you or someone you know may be interested. Please take a look at the below job description and let me know.


    Project management firm based in Oklahoma City is seeking a Web Content Editor to collaborate with the leadership team to ensure that website content related to the company, its brand and marketing messages are maintained, updated, and evaluated for effectiveness and efficiency. The Web Content Editor is responsible for researching products and services; writing and editing content for multiple current and new websites; and improving current websites. Five or more years writing and/or editing experience and knowledge of basic content management software required; recent experience in web content creation, preferably on multiple websites. A bachelor’s degree, preferably in journalism, public relations, mass communications or marketing required. A master’s degree preferred.

    If interested please email cover letter, resume, salary requirements and at least 2 writing samples to
    Providing links to websites created and managed is valued

  2. “Im sure this will fall on def ears but I thought you would like to know. The owner of ARC audio is in fact Greek, this may possibly have something to do with the advertising direction they have taken. I just happen to find your blog and was interested in your take on trashy girls and the quality of product they represent. I am a huge car audio nut, infact I made it my choice career field, and I completely agree.

  3. I appreciate your comment, Kris. I have heard that the owner of Arc Audio is Greek. This actually concerns me even more, as the Greek in this particular ad is not a translation, but a transliteration; that is, it’s not a translation of the actual Greek words for “Got Foose?” It’s simply the Greek letters spelling out the English. Greek is more than a different alphabet–it’s a completely different language. So the words in this ad are not Greek, they’re English, but spelled out with a different alphabet, which seems arbitrary to me. I am glad to see that you and I agree on the inverse proportionality of trashy girls to quality equipment. And I envy your job–I’d love to work in the car audio industry! Thanks for reading.

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